Press Releases

Excerpts from Today’s Medicaid Forum

Sep 23, 2015

Columbia, SC Today, South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison hosted a forum with former Vermont Governor and former DNC Chair Howard Dean and Congressman James E. Clyburn.
Here are a few excerpts as prepared for delivery from SCDP Chair Jaime Harrison:
Instead of leading on an issue directly related to the care and well-being of her own constituents, Governor Haley is leaving money on the table that could be used to ensure people can get the health care services they need to be healthy, productive citizens.
While all of our Democratic candidates support increasing access the healthcare. We’re seeing Republican Presidential candidates talking about everything except how they can work to strengthen our country’s middle class. For South Carolina, that starts with access to healthcare.
We shouldn’t be using healthcare as a political tool. Governor Haley and Republicans in the State House need to lead on Medicaid Expansion.”


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