COLUMBIA, SC — Thanks to President Biden and Democrats passing the American Rescue Plan which expands the Child Tax Credit, help is on the way for South Carolina families. Today the families of one million South Carolina children started receiving monthly payments of up to $300 per child, lifting 68,000 children out of poverty. Without the vote of one single GOP member of Congress, Democrats delivered a historic tax cut for middle class families.
“In November 2022, South Carolina Republicans will have to answer to voters why they voted against a historic tax cut for working families and ending child poverty,” said SCDP Chair Trav Robertson, Jr. “President Joe Biden, Majority Whip Clyburn, and all our Democrats in Washington have been delivering real relief to struggling American families, while Republicans have done nothing but obstruct and obfuscate. Henry McMaster, Tim Scott, and Lindsey Graham go on Fox News to ramble about the latest GOP talking points, while Democrats have been delivering relief for South Carolina families.”