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Columbia, S.C.— Today’s actions by the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee is the epitome of cruel and unusual. South Carolina Republicans are on the verge of overruling the State’s medical establishment, violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the soverign right of women everywhere by forcing a mandatory vaginal probe to hear the heartbeat of a fetus conceived through rape and/or incest.
“Despite their claims of being upstanding, God fearing, men of Christ, these Republican legislators are doing any and everything, but what Jesus would do.” said SCDP Chair, Trav Robertson, Jr. “Jesus was a man of great care, compassion, and forgiveness. A man who forgave the prostitute and turned over the tables of the corrupt money collectors, he stood with the poor, and in Matthew 5:5 noted it was the meek and the humble who would inherit the Earth.”
It is exactly those meek, humble and powerless victims of rape and incest that Republicans in this State seek to supress even further with this absolutley ungodly piece of legislation. If Republicans truly loved their neighbor as themselves, they would have a conscience about enacting a law, with zero amendments that will effectively strip the women of this State of their bodily autonomy. This body has no right to tell any woman what is best for her, her physical and mental well being, or her family. Anything to the contrary is patronizing, and it is an affront to the women of this State. South Carolina Republican Legislators clearly believe women are not smart enough to make their own healthcare decisions in consultation with their doctors.
South Carolina Democrats are calling on the Republicans of this state to review and consider living up to that golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”