Press Releases

Tim Scott’s Terrible, No Good, Very Bad First Week on the Campaign Trail

Apr 17, 2023

Tim Scott’s presidential campaign is barely a week old and it’s already off to a rocky start. Let’s take a look at how the past few days went…

First, Scott spent Day 1 dodging repeated questions about whether he would sign a national abortion ban as president – before finally vowing that he would sign the “most conservative, pro-life” nationwide ban possible.

  • He dodged in Iowa: “.@votetimscott mentioned in his announcement video he would ‘protect the right to life,’ but would not say whether he supports a national ban. Instead, Scott said he supports ‘a robust debate’ about abortion, centered on support by ‘far-left’ of late-term abortions.”

Then – on top of struggling to answer questions on abortion, he couldn’t even answer how he would run against Donald Trump.

  • He was called out by FOX News reporters for dodging their questions on running against Donald Trump and failing to name a single policy difference between them.
  • In a following interview when asked if there was anything that “should be done differently” from the Trump administration, he swerved and instead talked about how he was the “architect” of Trump’s 2017 tax scam that helped the wealthy and corporations over working families.
  • This isn’t the first time Scott has failed to differentiate himself from Trump. Just a few months ago, Scott was directly asked if he had any policy differences with Trump and he said “Probably not very many at all. I am so thankful that we had President Trump in office.”

It hasn’t even been a week on the campaign trail and it’s clear Scott can’t answer the tough questions about his MAGA agenda.

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