Today, the South Carolina Democratic Party released the following statement:
Republicans in the State House have taken a dangerous first step, essentially doing the bidding of the Koch Brothers by passing H.3205 out of a House Judiciary subcommittee Thursday and on to the full house.
If enacted, South Carolina will aid proponents looking to invoke the Article V Constitution, forcing Congress to call a Constitutional Convention, where Republicans will propose amendments that would end the commerce clause, abortion and restrict the power of the legislative power of Congress and the federal government.
“What a useless exercise. If the GOP wants to amend the constitution there are other ways to do so. Can you imagine the chaos of a Constitutional Convention?,“ said Jay Parmley, SCDP Executive Director. “I wish SC GOP Legislators would ask GOP members of our federal delegation to work with the Democratic majorities in the US House and Senate on critical issues facing our country. Surely there is work to be done on education, infrastructure and healthcare that deserve our collective attention.”
[VIDEO] Mark Meckler, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots and interim CEO of social media platform Parler, addresses the South Carolina House Judiciary sub-committee.
Meckler is the leading proponent for an Article V convention, that would have three focuses, including imposing financial restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and imposing term limits on officials and members of Congress. This is the way is which Republicans hope to ban abortion, restrict voting rights and otherwise impede Democratic and progressive principles from becoming law.