Press Releases

SC Dems Statement on Gov. Nikki Haley’s National Press Club Speech

Sep 02, 2015

SC Dems Statement on Gov. Nikki Haley’s National Press Club Speech 

Columbia, SC— South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement regarding South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s speech in Washington, DC today.

Watching today’s speech was like watching a bad infomercial, filled with unbelievable exaggerations leaving viewers with the urge to change the channel like Governor Haley is changing her record.

“Under her failed leadership, South Carolina schools remain desperately underfunded. Our roads and bridges are crumbling and near disrepair, yet Governor Haley has chosen to pass the buck to local governments who have no choice but to raise taxes on middle-class families.

“Governor Haley has repeatedly played politics with the lives of South Carolinians by refusing to expand Medicaid that would give almost 300,000 South Carolinians access to healthcare. If Governor Haley really cared about equal opportunity and coming together she would stop standing in the door blocking access to healthcare for so many. 

“While Governor Haley chases the national spotlight, South Carolina’s families continue to struggle to get ahead. It’s clear Governor Haley cares more about giving tax breaks to the wealthy rather than making certain everyone has an opportunity to succeed.”


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