For Immediate Release
August 5, 2016
Columbia, SC – South Carolina Democratic Coordinated Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Smith released the following statement today in response to Congressman Mick Mulvaney’s claim that he votes “on principle, not just party lines”:
“Mick Mulvaney’s claim that he votes ‘on principle’ is a lame excuse for his extremism and refusal to compromise, and his claim that he bucks ‘party lines’ is a lame excuse for the fact that extremists like him are precisely what is wrong with the Republican Party today. However high-minded he tries to make his intransigence seem, the reality is that Mick voted against aid to farmers devastated by the flood; voted against the Export-Import Bank, which supports thousands of South Carolina job-seekers at companies like Boeing and many small businesses; voted against helping workers hurt by trade agreements get back on their feet; voted against improving our roads; voted to end Medicare as we know it; supported turning Social Security over to Wall Street; supports sequestration, which is harming our national security and Shaw Air Force Base; voted over 60 times to take health care away from 20 million Americans; supports massive tax cuts for the rich despite claiming to care about the national debt; and thinks Donald Trump should be president of the United States.
“These may be Mick Mulvaney’s ‘principles,’ but to voters of the 5th District, they are nothing but a harmful extremist ideology. Fran Person will put people over politics when he is serving in Congress next year and will deliver results.”