For Immediate Release
August 11, 2016
Columbia, SC – Public Policy Polling (PPP) released a poll today showing the presidential race in South Carolina virtually tied, with Donald Trump at 41% and Hillary Clinton at 39%. Respondents also sided with Democrats on several key issues:
– 84% support requiring universal criminal background checks for firearm purchases
– 81% support barring firearm purchases by people on the terrorist watch list
– 77% support increasing the minimum wage
– 78% support allowing refinancing student loans at lower rates
– 53% support legislation protecting LGBT South Carolinians from discrimination in the workplace, housing, and public accommodations
South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison said, “These poll results confirm what has been apparent to me for quite some time: South Carolinians are rejecting the failed policies of the Republican Party and the dangerous divisiveness of their leader, Donald Trump. The Clinton campaign is already committed to pursuing a 50-state strategy, and this proves the wisdom of that approach.
“Over the next three months,” Harrison continued, “we will be making the case that Democrats offer a better way to address the challenges facing our nation and our state. With this dedicated effort, I am confident that South Carolina will be in the Democratic column in 2016. And with Hillary Clinton holding a 5-point lead among voters under 65, a 12-point lead among voters between 30 and 45, and an astounding 32-point lead among voters under 30, I am even more confident that South Carolina will be in the Democratic column for many years to come.”
Full poll results are available here.