A “Good Week” For Lindsey Graham is a Bad Week For South Carolina
Columbia, S.C. — Last Friday, Lindsey Graham spent his evening celebrating a “good week” for his party — a clear demonstration that he’s more focused on playing DC political games than solving South Carolina problems. Last week Graham golfed with Trump for the umpteenth time. Reports show they did not even discuss the coronavirus or how to help struggling families make ends meet. At the beginning of Sen. Graham’s summer of inaction, he identified himself as the leader of the Senate’s effort to destroy emergency unemployment relief South Carolina families rely on, claiming that he would vote to extend emergency relief “over our dead bodies.” The result is no real progress on solutions for COVID-19 relief legislation as the crisis worsens.
During Lindsey’s “good” week:
- COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to rise in the Palmetto State
- Critical unemployment relief for folks who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic remained mired in the Senate and was gutted by an executive order
- Unsafe plans to reopen schools continued to worry teachers, students, and working families
- The Senate left South Carolinians struggling to make rent in a lurch by refusing to appropriate funds to extend the eviction moratorium in the CARES Act
Is the plan to hope this week is miraculously better?
“It is unfathomable for Lindsey Graham to speak of a “good week” while the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and the Senate refuses to act,” said Manuel Bonder, coordinated campaign spokesperson. “South Carolinians are struggling, and this moment calls for leaders who will step up and face these challenges head on. Unfortunately, Senator Graham is not that leader.”