Chas, SC- ‘PARTY FORWARD’ is the theme of the election night party hosted by the
International Longshoreman’s Association Local 1422 and the Charleston County
Democratic Party (CCDP), 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 6, at the International
Longshoremen’s Association Hall, 1142 Morrison Drive, downtown Charleston.
According to CCDP Chair Richard Hricik, the Tuesday event incorporates President
Obama’s single-word campaign slogan “FORWARD” and signals expectations of a repeat
electoral victory by the President in Charleston County and further proof that Charleston
County is BLUE! “Barack Obama won Charleston County by 54% of the vote in 2008.
Our slate of candidates this year will move Charleston & SC forward on the issues that
matter: jobs, education, healthcare, fairness for working families, women and minorities.
We won’t go back,” Hricik said. “Republicans have exclusively controlled the legislature
and Governor’s office for virtually the last 20 years, and yet SC still ranks at the bottom of
every State ranking. Their policies fail and SC is proof.”
“PARTY FORWARD” is open to the public. It features light refreshments, music and
watching election returns via big-screen viewing. No adult beverages will be served. For
more information call 843-577-6000. ###